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Via Appia for Non-Profits and Governments


The story of an organization – how it got started, its values, and its commitment – is an essential element in success. Organizations that can articulate who they are and where they are going; for employees, funding organizations, partners, or the public are well on their way to winning hearts, minds, loyalty, and commitment.

However, few organizations take the time to document, organize, and present their story, relying instead on vague oral traditions, slogans, and anecdotes.

We can help. Via Appia Press is research and writing professionals, assisted by a team of talented photographers and design professionals, that help you craft your story and make it compelling, whether in the form of a booklet, book, or web site.

What better way to tell the world about your town, agency, or organization with a compelling “mission biography” that can serve as a training aid, fund-raising tool, and reference for years to come.

No two organizations are alike, but the process of telling a story is universal. You can schedule a no-obligation meeting to assess available resources, identify goals, and prepare a plan.

We can even work with you on a turnkey basis to produce a completed book or booklet as well as electronic resources that can be leveraged to strengthen your web site and make it unique.

And, we can provide realistic, cost-effective project pricing. We can even help explore sponsorships – a great way to support your history project while engaging with your community!

For more information, contact Alan Earls at 508-528-6930



Medway, Mass.


A volunteer committee wanted to celebrate the town’s 300th birthday by publishing a history, built around a bicentennial history that had been published in 1913. However, lacking book publishing experience, the committee was unsure of how to proceed. Via Appia provided consulting and editing as well as turnkey publishing services. The result was on-time, on-budget delivery of the Tricentennial Handbook of Medway History, which incorporates a reprint of the older 1913 text along with new content supplied by the committee.




Lahey Clinic

The retired CEO of a the internationally known Lahey Clinic, of Burlington, Mass., wanted to complete a 90-year history of the organization, emphasizing its growth and development since the 1950s. Via Appia supplied research and editing support over a four-year period, leading to publication of the completed book in 2012.



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