Just over sixty years ago, two hurricanes slammed New England in close sequence…delivering a one-two punch that nearly wiped some towns off the map. Connie arrived first, deviating to the west well south of the region but dumping large quantities of precipitation. This turned out to be an unpleasant prelude for Diane, which arrived a few days later, on Aug. 18-19, dumping between 13 and 20 inches of rain and causing massive flooding. It’s an event that remaining survivors will never forget.
Twisted Sisters chronicles the impact of these two storms as well as a similar pair of equally destructive storms, Carol and Edna, that ravaged the region just 12 months earlier. Twisted Sisters: How Four Superstorms Forever Changed the Northeast in 1954 & 1955 (Via Appia Press, ISBN 978-0-9825485-7-8), available for $19.99 through retailers and through Amazon, tells the story of these storms from the perspective of victims, rescuers, officials, and scientists.

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